Studencka konferencja translatoryczna "Od referatu do tytułu magistra"

Dnia 10 i 11 kwietnia 2019 roku w godzinach od 9:00 do 15:00 na Wydziale Filologicynym UG Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego odbyła się konferencja pt. „Od referatu do tytułu magistra - studencka konferencja translatoryczna”, zorganizowana przez studentów drugiego roku studiów magisterskich na kierunku filologia angielska o specjalności translatorycznej, na której zaprezentowali i pokrótce opisali swoje tematy prac magisterskich. Konferencja była transmitowana na żywo z sali, gdzie prezentowano do sali dla gości. W konferencji uczestniczyło 28. prelegentów. W 9. segmentach poświęconym badaniom nad tłumaczeniami można było wysłuchać wystąpień:
10 kwietnia:
Katarzyny Durzyńskiej: “South African English. Other Languages in Power of One - Selected Issues in Translation”
Macieja Pęśki: “Comics in Translation: The Graphical and Cultural Aspects Illustrated by a Complete Graphic Translation of The Love Bunglers by Jaime Hernandez”
Adrianny Chont: “Aspects of Cohesion in the Selected Polish Translations of the Short Stories: “Father Brown” by G.K. Chesterton”
Mai Pławińskiej: “Genre Shift: Summaries of Product Characteristic and Package Leaflets in English, Spanish and Polish. A Case Study of an Oncology Drug”
Haliny Strońskiej: “Comparison of Product Characteristics and Patient Leaflets - Case Study of Selected Drugs”
Sylwii Szymańskiej: “Translating Medical Popularizations in the Context of Expert-lay Communication with the Analysis of Translation Strategies”
Aleksandra Brzuzego: “Consecutive Interpretation of Political Speeches: A Case Study of Donald Trump’s 2017 Speech in Poland”
Karoliny Ptak: “Specialized and Semi-specialized Language in Audiovisual Translation. A Case Study of a Medical Drama TV Series”
Agaty Ludkiewicz: “Audiovisual Translation and Humor: The Case of Frozen and its Polish Versions”
Pauliny Raganowicz: “Translating Historical Texts: Chronicles of Terror”
Doroty Sikory: “An Analysis of Audiovisual Translation Based on the Series Voltron: Legendary Defender. Comparison of Dubbing and Subtitle Translation”
Aleksandra Watrasa: “Translating Science Fiction: Analysis and Translation of Clifford D. Simak’s Novel - Special Deliverance”
Grzegorza Blei: “Wrestling in Translation as Exemplified by Chosen Fragments from Wrestling Autobiographies”
11 kwietnia:
Julity Kiczek: “Univocity in Technical Terminology. A Case Study of a Driver's Manual in Polish, English and Swedish”
Aleksandry Przybysz: “Interference in Technical Translation: A Case Study of Students’ Polish Translations of Operator’s Manual”
Adrianny Bachory: “Translation Quality Assessment of Instruction Manuals: Beyond House’s Model”
Marleny Bożek: “Audiovisual Translation of Popular TV Series: Alternative Versions of Chosen Fragments from ‘Breaking Bad’ and ‘Supernatural’”
Kamili Cudzik: “Humour, Strategies and Techniques in Audiovisual Translation on the Example of “Friends” Television Series”
Marii Kapuścińskiej: “Register and the Addressee in Culinary Text Based on the Translation of Jamie Oliver’s Jamie's Great Britain
Jacka Usowicza: “Chrono Trigger: Difficulties in Game Translation Based on Existing and Own Translations”
Kingi Rekowskiej: “Pragmatic Aspects of Game Localization – a Case Study of Translating Humor and Cultural Elements in Hearthstone”
Patryka Modliszewskiego: “Fan Translation of Video Games into Polish. The Process, Related Problems and Useful Translation Methods. A Case Study of Examples from Different Games”
Joanny Terebus: “Love, Anger, Fear: Translating Emotions in American Young Adult Fantasy Based on Selected Fragments of Sweet Unrest by Lisa Maxwell”
Ewy Wierzbowskiej: “Children’s Literature in Translation: an Analysis of Its Cultural Aspects Based on Each Little Bird That Sings by Deborah Wiles”
Martyny Selke: “Tourism in Translation: A Case Study of Australia’s Official Tourist Website”
Edyty Szakiel: “Translating Scottish Dialect Based on Selected Fragments of A Disaffection by James Kelman”
Uladzislavy Loiki: “An Analysis and Assessment of Dialect Translation Strategies in the Polish and Russian Translations of Color Purple by Alice Walker”
Pauliny Hoppe: “Register, context, formality and informality of language in Mary Roach's book entitled Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers
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Tekst: Paulina Hoppe


Zmiana sali w dniu 10 kwietnia z 2.49 na 2.13.

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Data publikacji: wtorek, 2. Kwiecień 2019 - 11:15; osoba wprowadzająca: Anna Malcer-Zakrzacka Ostatnia zmiana: piątek, 26. Kwiecień 2019 - 14:53; osoba wprowadzająca: Anna Malcer-Zakrzacka