Wykład otwarty Ann Snitow

Instytut Anglistyki i Amerykanistyki UG
zaprasza na wykład amerykańskiej feministki

Ann Snitow,

profesorki literatury i gender studies w New School for Social Research w Nowym Jorku
"Kto boi się gender? Kto boi się kobiet"/ "Who is Afraid of Gender? Who is Afraid of Women?"
Wykład odbędzie się 6 czerwca o godzinie 13:00
na Wydziale Filologicznym Uniwersytet Gdański (budynek Neofilologii), ul. Wita Stwosza 51, aula 021
i będzie prowadzony w języku angielskim.


What are some of the depth structures of the hatred of women? What are some of the reasons for resisting the idea of the common humanity of men and women? How is this division maintained and with what purposes? For the foreseeable future, feminism will continue to face profound opposition to many of its central wishes and values. In the U.S. we call this "backlash," which has been a major part of the feminist reality in the United States since the late 1970s. Since powerful and active resistance to feminism is a fact of all our lives, Dr. Snitow will discuss how to live with backlash; how to maintain momentum and morale; how to make use of this resistance to develop feminist consciousness; how to avoid the danger of narrowing the ambition and visionary aspects of feminist desires; how to counter the constant claim that feminism is dead, or irrelevant, or a narrow ideology. In her new book, The Feminism of Uncertainty: A Gender Diary (Duke University Press, 2015), Dr. Snitow discusses feminism's extraordinary breadth, flexibility, and value as an aspect of civil society. Feminism is not one fixed body of doctrine but is a constantly evolving set of questions and propositions, which may lead to uncertainty about feminist goals, but which at the same time contribute to feminism's extraordinary durability.


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Data publikacji: wtorek, 31. Maj 2016 - 10:47; osoba wprowadzająca: Anna Malcer-Zakrzacka Ostatnia zmiana: wtorek, 31. Maj 2016 - 10:47; osoba wprowadzająca: Anna Malcer-Zakrzacka