Wykład Profesora Stevena Frye'a "Apocalyptic Vision and the Geography of Hope in Cormac McCarthy’s The Road"

Zakład Amerykanistyki w Instytucie Anglistyki i Amerykanistyki

na Wydziale Filologicznym zaprasza

na wykład

Profesora Stevena Frye'a

z California State University, Bakersfield

Apocalyptic Vision and the Geography of Hope in Cormac McCarthy’s The Road

Wydarzenie będzie miało miejsce 9 listopada 2023 (czwartek) o godzinie 11.30

w auli 0.21 na Wydziale Filologicznym UG, ul. Wita Stwosza 51.

Wykład będzie poprowadzony w języku angielskim.


Steven Frye is Professor of English and Chair of the English Department at California State University, Bakersfield.  He is the author of the recently published novel Dogwood Crossing,which Kirkus Reviews called, “an engaging, sometimes-chilling, and often melancholy tale of the pioneer spirit." His writing interests include the nineteenth and twentieth-century American novel, including such authors as Edgar Allan Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, Mark Twain, and Jack London. That same tradition finds its greatest contemporary expression in the novels of Cormac McCarthy and the Literature of the American West. Frye has published four book length studies, including Understanding Cormac McCarthy,and edited five collections of scholarly essays with Cambridge University Press and the University of South Carolina Press. He has also published in such journals as American Studies, The Centennial Review, The Southern Quarterly,and The South Carolina Review.





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Data publikacji: wtorek, 7. Listopad 2023 - 10:13; osoba wprowadzająca: Anna Malcer-Zakrzacka Ostatnia zmiana: wtorek, 7. Listopad 2023 - 10:22; osoba wprowadzająca: Anna Malcer-Zakrzacka